For this test we ran petrol with the purpose of familiaring Russ and ourselves with the bike and getting a workable set-up with the suspension and gearing.
After four laps before lunch we stiffened up the suspension, changed the gearing and went out for an extended 30 minute test. Lap times came down steadily and consistently (as you would expect from a pro like Russ) and having shaved around 5 seconds of the best time in the morning Russ came in declaring himself satisfied. In fact from his grin I think he quite enjoyed his nostalgic ride on the old 650 Formula.
The bike admittedly looked a bit rough in bare gel coat against all the race replica R1's and Blades butout on the track, particularly in corner speed we were not disgraced even though pushing out less than half the power of the 1 litre machines.
Not to worry, the panels are now away for their application of metallic black before the race graphics go on ready for that debut at Snetterton and the Festival of 1000 Bikes at Mallory the following week.
Before all that though we have to go on the dyno on Friday and test Uncle Ian's (our Tech Director) prowess on his laptop at remapping the fuel system for bioethanol e85.

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We will hopefully soon have a photo gallery with photos from various events, and a little bit of information about the team members.
Enjoy the ride!
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