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Racing to save the planet
Brands Hatch - March 08 photo gallery 

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Cadwell 26/27 April 2008 
Assuming that the Laverda survives both the "Bike" magazine Bruntingthorpe test on Thursday 24th and the Alternative Energy drag race (see links) at Santapod on Friday 25th, we will be at the third round of the Bemsee Minitwins at Cadwell.

Sadly for Laverda fans, this could be the last outing for the 650 Formula in the series,as the team prepares to rollout another (faster) biofuel racer next month. Watch this space...

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Inzane puts the Laverda on the Podium! Snetterton 12/13 April 2008 
We thought Snetterton would be a challenge as the high speed track does not play to the Laverda's strengths but we were rescued by the rain. A full grid of 40 (we were joined by 39 SV650s) meant that two 8th places in the dry were excellent results, but we were stunned when Russ added a 4th and a 2nd in the wet. This has elevated us to 4th in the championship. Bring on Cadwell 26/27 April!

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Inzane is back! BMCRC Brands Hatch 8/9 March 2008 
51 Suzuki SV650s and 1 biofuelled Laverda 650 Formula lined up for the first BMCRC Minitwins meeting of the year at Brands hatch. Dodgy weather made for difficult tyre choices but some spectacular racing. Russ brought the Laverda home with two 6ths, a 7th and an 11th to put us in 9th place in the hotly contested BCL Watches series. "Game on!"

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Inzane Laverda Accepts Drag Race Challenge. 
Santa Pod Raceway is set to host what appears to be a real life version of ‘Wacky Races’ when on April 25th an eclectic assemblage of alternatively fueled vehicles will hit the quarter mile strip in a bid to win the first ever Alternative Energy Drag Race.

Held to publicise the practicality of alternative energy and to demonstrate being green doesn’t mean being boring, the event has already attracted entries as varied as our own Laverda 650 MiniTwin racer, running Morrison’s finest E85 bioethanol, through the Jenkins Motorsort biodiesel racing truck, to an electric VW Beetle.

Entries are still coming in but hot favourite to sprint down the strip in record setting time is the Bike Magazine entry of a Triumph 675 Triple running alcohol made from apple juice and distilled by enterprising (and presumably tipsy!) chemistry students at Oundle’s Prince William School.

Inzane Laverda despite a power deficit however are hanging their hopes on ace rider, Russ Joyner (no pressure mate!).

Meanwhile the serious stuff starts when the team contests its first championship round of the 2008 season at Brands Hatch on 8/9th March.

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